
I went on to coach this team for another five years

I went on to coach this team for another five years until they were ready for high school, many of the players at the end were the original kids that started many years earlier and I'm happy to say are Nike Requin,still playing and have gone on to be, with the help of more accomplished coaches than myself, very good soccer players.At no time while coaching these youngsters did money ever become an incentive to be successful, it was to bring a team together to get the required results and to win the game, for both the kids and myself. To take as many like minded individuals as possible, to guide them andNike Shox R4 Homme to show them the individual skills by using a system that works and to slowly bring them together as a successful team and to score. I was one of these fathers that was lucky enough to have the ability and the time to coach my kids school football team. So it was my task to take these individual team members and teach each one of them a system and the skills required to become soccer players. A few became disenchanted and left, these were replaced by other players who were once again taught the required skills. At this time many of these youngsters, six and seven year olds, had never kicked a soccer ball in their lives. One of my first thoughts when starting my online business was, "What have I done in the past that I can relate this to? What sort of structure can I use?" After talking to many people within the organization and listening to what I was being told, I very quickly came to the conclusion that "it wasn't about the money but about how many people that you can actually help to be successful.It was then that I realized that the structure of a top online business was very much like coaching a sports team. One step at a time, day after day, week after week we would work on the fundamentals, some picked up these skills better than others, the better players helped the not so skillful players.Slowly things began to take shape, the individual skills came together, the football got better, they became a team and the results began to appear. sorry reach their set goals. The obvious goal of a successful online business is to make money, if you use the structure above to help your team to get the results they need then the money and satisfaction of success will follow.So my approach and my goal to success within my online business is just like coaching a football team. They were a team and they didn't give up.Towards the end of the season you could see an understanding that Nike Shox Rival Homme as long as they kept focused, kept trying and helped each other that the results would come. They may not have been the best team in the league that year but they were teachable. Just like the players in my soccer team there will be times of procrastination, doubt and self confidence but as long as you take action, work the system and never give up you will get the end results and reach your goals.If you are exploring the possibility of a home based business and would like to be involved in a company that encompasses the above criteria then please go to [http://totallifebusiness.com].

