Teach them better skills. Create a culture of service
.Do this by making service a priority starting at the top. We humans are equipped with relatively few physical tools to survive. Monitor their phone calls. Connect with your customers.EngageTN, TN Pas Cher, in direct and ongoing conversations with your customers. And it makes sense. But it can be fun, it can feel good and it can lead your company to more revenue and profits, no matter what the economy is like.Kevin Stirtz is the "Amazing Service Guy". If you were them, how would you want to be treated. Employees should have the time and tools to establish and maintain strong relationships with customers. Reward them for providing good service. Try to understand their perspective. Over the years many things have been suggestedTimberland Custom Homme to be "better than sex". We are heavily dependent on each other in all aspects of our lives. This needs to be done in words and in actions.2. At least, that's how our brains feel about it.This article (from MSN) relates several examples of research where people who helped others experienced a specific neuro-chemical reaction associated with pleasure. He agreed and said there is a physiological basis for this. Create a persistent and transparent flow of information between employees, management and customers.Okay, so maybe customer service isn't better that sex. Here are three suggestions:1. (I guess we know why.)Yet there are studies that suggest the good feeling we get from helping others is not too different from what we feel when we do highly pleasurable things. Customer service in many companies is still well below where customers want it to be.Maybe the answer lies in brain science. Make it personal.Do this by putting yourself in your customers shoes. If all else fails, pretend the customer is someone you care deeply about like a parent, spouse or child.3. We are designed as social creatures. Management at all levels needs to affirm that service is a key value in the organization. Punish them when they don't.Yet the challenge continues. We look for ways to get employees to deliver better service consistently. Perhaps we need to tap into people's natural desire to help others. (Then he said several big words that were well beyond my vocabulary.)I doubt any of us would be surprised about this. Kevin has been quoted in such major media as BusinessWeek, the Boston Globe, Smart Money and the Chicago Sun Times. He is a customer service speaker and trainer who helps companiesTimberland Oxfords Homme increase revenue and profits by delivering Amazing Service. Ask them how you're doing. Most of us know from experience helping others feels good. Discover what they want from you. For example, I've heard sky diving, mountain climbing and other extreme sports are often subjects of this comparison.But I've never heard anyone suggest that offering good customer service is better than sex. So, helping others is what enables our species to survive and thrive.Since customer service is all about helping people, this is important.In our quest to provide better customer service, we often focus on how to motivate employees. When participants chose to donate money, the brain's mesolimbic system was activated, the same part of the brain that's activated in response to monetary rewards, sex, and other positive stimuli."Recently I mentioned this to a friend who is a doctor. Observe them with secret shoppers. For example, Carolyn Schwartz, a research professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School found people who volunteered to help MS patients "experienced dramatic improvements in their quality of life-several times more so than those they were helping".The article also cites a study from Proceedings of the National Academy of Science:"...participants' brains were monitored by MRI scans while they made decisions about donating part of their research payment to charitable organizations. Get a free copy of his Amazing Service Toolkit at http://amazingserviceguy.com.
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